Application Spotlight: Tamar Braxton Share-A-Carol

This is probably one of the most interactive, interesting and amusing Facebook applications we are going to launch this holiday season. It allows fans to send Tamar Braxon to a friends house (virtual) and creates a video featuring one of her carols being song in front of a friends house. The Facebook application leverages Google Street Views and custom FLV player (that supports alpha channels). You can check it out here:


Email Delivery
The application allows you to create and share a custom video with a friend via email, Facebook and Twitter.  The messages all link back to the application and include a thumbnail that features a picture of the recipients house -  design to prompt a quick response.


Facebook and Twitter Delivery
Because of its design, it is important that the application be able to send message to specific individuals, so we made sure to add support for posting directly to friend's Facebook walls and tweeting directly to Twitter users.

Facebook Friends Dialog


Twitter Friend Dialog


Demo Video
Here is a video of the application in action.


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