Solving the Facebook "Mobile" Problem for Disney Interactive

One of the most common complaints we get from clients engaged in national or global marketing campaigns on Facebook is their inability to control (or predict) the experience of mobile users. Depending on an individual user's phone, cellular network, phone settings and installed applications  some campaigns can miss the mark when it comes to mobile. This is important because more than 350 million active users log in to Facebook on their mobile devices -  that's nearly 40% of Facebook's membership!

There are a number of approaches we use to address different application scenarios and some workarounds or approaches work better than others.  That said, the key to success is always to understand how users can and will interact with your application and decide if and how to address the mobile question.

Disney Interactive came to us because of our vast experience in building globally aware marketing applications on Facebook, our ability to drive fan engagement and equally important our ability to move quickly. In order to build more awareness around their upcoming Disney Infinity video game, Disney Interactive wanted to launch a series of "Like" gated Facebook sweepstakes to grow the number of Facebook fans as well as expose them to trailers for the new game.  Equality important they wanted to provide mobile users with the ability to participate in the sweepstakes.

Today we launched a Facebook sweepstakes application coupled with a mobile solution. The solution starts with a short url:

Many of our customers know that we have a powerful short URL manage that has magical powers. It can fix spelling mistakes (yes), power campaign for multiple partners using the same short url, perform round-robin redirection, automatically add affiliate information to links and even re-routing you based on your device or platform. In this case the short url determines the type of device you are using and then sends you to the correct application. Users accessing the link from a desktop go to the Facebook tab, mobile users are taken to a mobile application.

Mobile Application:


Facebook Application:




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