Another Pinterest Application Example: Willow Smith - I Am Me Fanboard

We recently deployed another unique Pinterest application for Willow Smith. You can check it out on her Facebook page or on our PinItMatic site.  The idea is simple: allow fans to upload a picture of themselves, add it to the Fan board, and Pin it on Pinterest. The application also allows them to share (Facebook, Twitter, Email, i.e.) and download their creations. Similar to the Pinterest Card engine we used in The Band Perry's “Pin It to Win It” sweepstakes, the Pinterest Fan Board engine is another example of innovative user content creation on Pinterest.  Features and functionality of our Pinterest application platform include:

  • Multiple user generated content photo and graphic engines
  • Pinning and following on Pinterest
  • Comprehensive sharing
  • Photo moderation (for fan photos)
  • Unique “Hear It” feature with iTunes, Amazon, Spotify and Soundcloud links and player


Example Fan “Pin Board”:

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