GMAT Spotify Playlist Sweepstakes

A growing number of brands are engaging customers on Spotify using music as part of their marketing mix. As marketers  reaching their audiences at the right moment with the right message, music streaming offers a powerful channel to seamlessly activate CRM data and engage these customers.

We recently deployed Spotify sweepstakes built on our collaborative Spotify playlist platform for GMAT.  The idea was to invite customers and potential customers to help build the ultimate GMAT studying playlist and at the same time allow them to enter in a sweepstakes for a chance to win the ultimate study swag bag! You can check out the campaign at

Once fans connected via Spotify and subscribed to get updates from GMAT, they were encouraged to share their contribution to the collaborative Spotify playlist campaign.

Users also got to the follow the playlist and were able to stream individual songs direction from the microsite.

Mobile version
As is always the case, our projects are responsive and optimized to work on a range of popular mobile devices including iPhone and Android devices.

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