Ninjas Guide to Facebook Application Integration

It seems that not a lot of Facebook apps are taking advantage of all the integration or marketing touch points that the Facebook platform provides. A growing number of applications haven't been upgraded to take advantage of the new Facebook UI and APIs and many more continue to cling to the "profile-centric widget" model introduced in the first version of the Facebook API. These applications don't take full advantage of all the communication venues available to them, and other important viral features I mentioned in my blog post on Facebook development best practices. With the growing number of changes to the Facebook API, and new features and services being added services, clients and even developers are simply unaware of all of these integration points


Whe developing a Facebook application you should consider each of the following integration or marketing touch-points:

Content and Information

Communications and Feeds

Mobile Information and Communications

User Actions

Marketing and Promotional Mechanisms

The list is almost complete and I am sure I have missed one or two things but hopefully this will keep the advertising agencies busy for a while! I will periodically update this list and have created a home for it on our corporate wiki.