Widget Trend and News Update

Here is a quick roundup of a couple of recent interesting widget news and trends:

  • Book Widgets for Authors: Authors use widgets to help promote their books and online communities.
  • What's Next For The NYTimes Online: Excellent example of comprehensive social media marketing by the New York Times! More and more companies are beginning to realize that social media outreach needs to be comprehensive and broad in order to be effective.
  • Understanding Widgets: Not a trend or news piece but nice short post that helps "frame" widgets for those thinking about have one developed.
  • Enterprise Widgets: I liked this piece about a new and emerging breed of widgets - widget being used within the enterprise!
  • Political Widgets on Facebook: Makes absolute sense this election season, I think every politician should have their own widget
  • Mobile Widgets?: Kind of - Nokia labs launches widget initiative that tries to integrate your desktop with your phone (build on the Yahoo! widget engine). I am more interested, however, in seeing widgets move to mobile platforms in more meaningful ways.

We'll cover some of these trends in more detail in upcoming weeks!

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